About Me
Hello, I'm Corbin! Web development has been something that has intrigued me since early high school when I took my first digital media course. I built my first full website for the local Hastings Bands that summer. Since then I have built many more websites for a range of clients and personal interests. In fall 2018 I opened Frostfire Studios LLC so I could work with more clients throughout Michigan. I have a Bachelor's of Science in Computer Information Systems, with a focus in Web & Mobile Development. Currently I work as a Software Engineer II at Credit Karma, LLC in North Carolina.
I competed in Business Professionals of America (BPA) from 2016-2024, mainly in technology-related events. At the collegiate level of BPA I placed 1st in 5 events, 2nd in 2 events, and 3rd in 1 event. These events have ranged from web design and computer programming to project management and marketing.
In my spare time I enjoy playing games online with my friends, reading, and working on various technology-related projects. I also enjoy photography, some examples of which can be found on this site.
Favorite Things
Hobbies: Photography, Reading, Gaming
Bands: Muse, Sabaton, Within Temptation, Epica
Books: Inheritance Cycle, Elantris, Redwall Saga, The Last Kingdom
Games: Hearts of Iron IV, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Final Fantasy XII